
Ignite the Fire Within

Come and see what is possible and Ignite the Fire Within! Our events can Ignite Transformation faster than you ever thought possible.

Ignite the Fire Within Event

This evening Firewalk Event is designed to ignite change in an individual FAST!

  • Experience the miracle of firewalking
  • See what you are really capable of doing
  • Learn how to overcome fears and limiting beliefs holding you back
  • AND Experience a lot of fun!

Participants are prepared over a two to three hour period through activities, games and training to walk across a 10-12 foot bed of coals ranging between 800-1200 degrees F.

Note: Firewalking at the end of the event is always optional.  Many participants report even more impactful experiences from the other activities in the event.

Some of the benefits include:

  1. Unlock the Power of the Mind
  2. Take control of your mental attitude in any situation
  3. Learn how and when to take appropriate Action
  4. How to overcome the obstacles keeping you from reaching your Dreams
  5. Recognize and overcome Any Limiting Belief or Any Fear
  6. See what Your Potential is and What Really is Possible


Cost: $97 for pre-registration and payment before the event; $250 at the door

This is a Public Event in which anyone 18 years of age or older may register and attend.

If you are a return participant with Quantum Step, Inc. the following discount is available:

$70 for a repeat firewalk event

This discount only applies to the following:

  1. Individuals who have attended a Quantum Step Firewalk Event.
  2. Pre-registration and payment is required for the discount.

To register, purchase tickets HERE or contact us at 801-999-0499 or by email at Please feel free to call with any questions.

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